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I Forgot My Password, How Do I Get in My Phone?

The Internet is a portal to unlimited knowledge, but what do you do when you’ve lost the key? In a connected world, your password is just as important as your ATM card or Social Security number. With it, you can navigate to your private files and accounts, but without it, you’re locked in solitary confinement. When you forget your password, Wisp has fast, affordable solutions to get you back in.

Sure, you’ll find plenty of tutorials online that demonstrate different retrieval techniques, but first you have to get online. Not only that, but your operating system, your security configuration, your hardware and other variables might be different than those in the tutorial, so it might not work.

Variables with Windows Systems Recovery

Theoretically, Microsoft Windows provides a way for the user to access a computer even without the right password. However this isn't always the case. Some of the variables include:

  • Whether you have a Microsoft account or a local Windows account -- a locally-based account requires additional software to retrieve your password

  • Whether the email address and phone number associated with your account are current and accessible -- if not, you must remember the answers to security questions you may have set up long ago

  • Our password removal programs for Windows can be done without erasing the data from a local account however for Android and iOS smart devices, we have to perform a factory reset before we can recover your password. 

Apple ID Recovery

If you change email servers from time to time, you may have trouble with the easiest of password recovery tools. Although Apple offers a simple online method for getting your password, the first screen asks for your Apple ID. If you don’t know it, the next screen asks for your name and email address. If you don’t remember which email you used when configuring your Macbook, you and Apple are at an impasse. Unfortunately only Apple can delete an iCloud account and you have to know the email that was used when signing up as well as answer the security questions. 

Stricter Security Makes Passwords More Forgettable

If you have a default password that you use frequently – not recommended, of course – you run into problems when password security gets tight. When the system asks you to add a capital letter, a special character or a number to your go-to password, you may not remember the additions when you want to log in next time. 

Experts in IT say the ideal password has 16 characters and includes mix of numbers, capital and lower case letters, special symbols and spaces. It should not contain your name, username, pronouns or any specific number combination such as your birth date or address. Oh, and be sure you don’t write it where someone could copy it. If you follow this advice, forgetting your password is inevitable.

We Can Help

Wisp has the tools and knowledge to decode your password and get you back online quickly. We also provide a full slate of computer services such as virus removal, repairs and file restoration. Save time and stay sane by calling 504-309-5322 today for expert help!